Tag: consciousness

  • More Love

    More Love

    Paris.  Beirut.  Nigeria.  Kenya last April.  I’m losing track of what happened when.  There’s been so many terrible, destructive acts.  Each day there seems to be a new story.   I’m tired of hearing these stories.  I know most of us are tired of hearing these stories.  We want things to be better. We want…

  • Three Questions To Ask When Faced With A Tough Decision

    Last week I was struggling with an emotional decision. There is a person in my life, whom I love deeply, who really needed help. I thought to myself, if this was a stranger, would I help them?  If it was, I could help them, providing money to deal with their immediate needs and hoping that…

  • Slow Down

    Over the last week I’ve been racing around running here and running there – trying to get everything done, ASAP. I moved into a new house a week ago and it’s been petal to the metal to get it set-up and livable. In addition, my sweet little dog, Maggie Lou, had another injury, this time…

  • I Heart Boundaries.

    Boundaries are an amazing and powerful tool. Boundaries help you clarify what is important in your life. They tell the world and yourself that your needs are important. When I was younger I had no concept of a boundary or what that even meant. I worked when I was asked to work. I skipped workouts…

  • Ready To Take Action

    Is there an area of your life where you’ve wanted forward movement but you find that things are just not progressing as you’d like?  Things seem to be dragging along with no clear idea of how to make it better?   Are you stuck in analysis paralysis?  Are you ready for change?  Are you ready to…

  • Trust. Have Faith.

    I’ve been holding on very tightly recently.  So tightly that I worried myself sick.  In the middle of the night, while I was awake worrying, I heard my two favorite yet most challenging words whispered to me: “trust” and have “faith”. These two words are the answers to all my worries yet they often seem…

  • Season of Light

    This time of year, during the dark days, it’s hard to remember to be light.  We have long to-do lists and obligations that can weigh us down. But if we look around, we have reminders everywhere to be the light for ourselves and others.  You see the flames of the menorah, the lights on a …

  • Four Tools For Dealing with Internal Conflict

    What should I do?  Have you ever asked yourself this question only for it to be followed by a long internal dialogue about pros and cons, rights and wrongs, what ifs and should dos?  It’s like a board room of lawyers are in your head arguing across a table, throwing out possibilities and scenarios. Most…

  • Inspiration is Everywhere

    Inspiration is Everywhere

    I attended a new yoga class yesterday. When the instructor began, she let us know that today was a significant day for her. It was her first day as a full time instructor as she was no longer doing her part time job to supplement her yoga work. I was ecstatic for her. I didn’t…

  • Finding Space for Self-Love

    Most of us feel pretty busy.  Some days and weeks are busier than others.  Some weeks you have very little going on.  Maybe those weeks are uncomfortable.  You’ve gotten used to the busyness of the previous weeks. How can you find more space for stillness?  For wellness?  For creativity and activities that feed your soul? …

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