Finding Space for Self-Love

5 mantras to self-love

Most of us feel pretty busy.  Some days and weeks are busier than others.  Some weeks you have very little going on.  Maybe those weeks are uncomfortable.  You’ve gotten used to the busyness of the previous weeks.

How can you find more space for stillness?  For wellness?  For creativity and activities that feed your soul?  For self-love?

How much of this do you need in your life?  How do you prioritize?  Are you the last one you say “yes” to?  How do you move up the list without compromising your partner?  Your family?  Your job?

I know that when we take time to feed ourselves in this nurturing way – with stillness, wellness, creativity, and nutrients for the soul – we feel better and we are better.  We bring more to our families, our partners, and our jobs.

But don’t let this be another item on your to-do list.  Start small.  Maybe you can begin with five minutes of stillness in the morning.  Recite the mantras in the image.  Practice.  It may be challenging the first time.

Dream up something fun that you’ve always been curious about and explore it.  Don’t be confined by the past.  Try something new.

Finding space for ourselves doesn’t have to be complicated or overworked.  It is simple.  Let it be simple.



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