Kerstin McInnis, Career Transition Coach

More Love


Paris.  Beirut.  Nigeria.  Kenya last April.  I’m losing track of what happened when.  There’s been so many terrible, destructive acts.  Each day there seems to be a new story.   I’m tired of hearing these stories.  I know most of us are tired of hearing these stories.  We want things to be better. We want peace, happiness, love.

These words may sound aspirational, unattainable, and dare I say, hippie? However, I don’t know very many people who wouldn’t want to experience these things in their life on a regular basis.

There is a solution.  More Love.  It’s not always easy to love someone who you don’t like so start with loving yourself a little more.  Love the parts of you that you do love.  It may sound simple and that’s because it is simple.

Have you heard the statement, “that which you focus on expands”?  Focus on love and guess what?  Love expands all around you.

I don’t have many words to describe all that I’ve felt lately but yesterday, due to a recent concert tour announcement, I was reminded of one of my favorite Dixie Chicks songs, “More Love”.  Here’s a snippet:

“More love, I can hear our hearts cryin’
More love, I know that’s all we need
More love to flow in between us
To take us and hold us and lift us above
If there’s ever an answer, it’s more love

We’re afraid to be idle
So we fill up the days
We run on the treadmill
Keep slavin’ away

‘Til there’s no time for talkin’
About trouble in mind
And the doors are all closed
Between your heart and mine

More love, I can hear our hearts cryin’
More love, I know that’s all we need
More love to flow in between us
To take us and hold us and lift us above
If there’s ever an answer, it’s more love

Just look out around us
People fightin’ their wars
They think they’ll be happy
When they’ve settled their scores

Let’s lay down our weapons
That hold us apart
Be still for just a minute
Try to open our hearts

More love, I can hear our hearts cryin’
More love, I know that’s all we need
More love to flow in between us
To take us and hold us and lift us above
If there’s ever an answer, it’s more love”

~Dixie Chicks


Don’t forget!  I’m giving away three months of coaching.  

Follow these steps to nominate yourself or someone you know who could benefit from coaching:

  1. Like my Facebook page, A Cakewalk Life
  2. Share my blog post, Is Your Work in Alignment with Your Values, on your wall.
  3. Private message me via Facebook or at  to nominate yourself or a friend to win a three month coaching package with me. Include your contact details (email and phone) so that you can be reached if you win.
  4. All nominations will be consolidated and a winner picked at random.

All nominations must be received by 11/30/2015 at 11:59pm PST.  Winner will be picked on 12/1 and notified that day.  Winner does not need to live in Portland, Oregon to receive coaching sessions.  Sessions can be done via phone or in-person.  



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