Category: Support
Three Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves
Three Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves This weekend I was in Seattle at the Hay House, I Can Do It Conference. This was my first time attending one of their events. The conference brought together 30 Hay House authors and speakers to share their wisdom and insight. Attending this conference was an opportunity for me…
Active Participant in Life
Last week I talked about my mom and how she’s avoided dealing with things in her life and the consequences of those actions. I’ve watched and learned from her experiences. Of course I’ve also avoided issues in my own life. At various times throughout my life I’ve avoided everything from having a relationship to my…
The Most Loving Thing You Can Do
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” said Albert Einstein. Have you seen that quote? I’m sure you have, as it’s very popular. I’ve seen it a million times and have always loved it. I felt empowered and energized by it. It has inspired me to try to do…
What could you do for a friend today? For a stranger? For your postman? Could you just listen? Could you hold them in their sorrow? Could you look into their eyes with warmth and compassion? This small act of service to another takes only a moment but the impact is profound. How can you be…
I Am Open to Receiving the Gifts of the Universe
Are you someone who loves to give? Do you take care of everyone else and set aside your own needs? Do you keep your troubles to yourself so that you don’t burden others? Some of us are really good at giving. We are there at a moment’s notice for a friend. We always offer to…
Peace, Love, and Humility
In the wake of all the things going on this week and amongst my own anger and confusion at our government, I was reminded of this prayer. I grew up Catholic and although I no longer practice, I’ve always loved this prayer and St. Francis. Peace, love, and humility. It wins in the end. Lord,…
I am safe!
Giving & Receiving Support
This weekend I was reminded of one of my favorite songs from Shawn Colvin. Her music and fall go hand-in-hand for me. I listened to her music during a very transformational fall for me so every fall I have to listen again. I was driving to Portland to visit with my mom and I was…
Who’s in Your Self-Care Pit Crew?
We hear it all the time – it’s important to take care of ourselves. The airplane safety rule has become more popular outside of the plane: “Place the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others”. We know that we are only capable of taking care of others and doing our best in life when we…