Tag: Coaching

  • Inspiration is Everywhere

    Inspiration is Everywhere

    I attended a new yoga class yesterday. When the instructor began, she let us know that today was a significant day for her. It was her first day as a full time instructor as she was no longer doing her part time job to supplement her yoga work. I was ecstatic for her. I didn’t…

  • Finding Space for Self-Love

    Most of us feel pretty busy.  Some days and weeks are busier than others.  Some weeks you have very little going on.  Maybe those weeks are uncomfortable.  You’ve gotten used to the busyness of the previous weeks. How can you find more space for stillness?  For wellness?  For creativity and activities that feed your soul? …

  • Active Participant in Life

    Active Participant in Life

    Last week I talked about my mom and how she’s avoided dealing with things in her life and the consequences of those actions. I’ve watched and learned from her experiences. Of course I’ve also avoided issues in my own life. At various times throughout my life I’ve avoided everything from having a relationship to my…

  • Avoidance & Learning

    Avoidance & Learning

    I am witnessing the demise of my mother. My mother is 84 years old and in moderate health. She is slightly overweight, 30 pounds or so, with high blood pressure. Her mind is fairly sharp though, especially considering her age. She enjoys reading and traveling and doesn’t appear as old as her age suggests. Yet,…

  • Releasing Old Beliefs

    Releasing Old Beliefs

    The other night I had a dream. In this dream I felt like I was reliving a past life set in the 1880’s. I felt very young, maybe 15. I was in my parent’s home. It was simple, a one-room log cabin. My mother was at the stove cooking dinner. A man was sitting at…

  • I Choose

    There’s a homeless man that lives in an alcove of my building. His name is Mike. He doesn’t fit the image of most homeless men in my neighborhood. He appears very clean, takes care with his appearance, and wears a gold wedding band. He sleeps in the alcove. By 7am, he’s rolled up his items,…

  • Pause


    What could you do for a friend today? For a stranger? For your postman? Could you just listen? Could you hold them in their sorrow? Could you look into their eyes with warmth and compassion? This small act of service to another takes only a moment but the impact is profound. How can you be…

  • Put Yourself in a Time Out

    Put Yourself in a Time Out

    I have been drinking from the fire hose for the last three months. A delicious fire hose. Something akin to a mojito – slightly sweet, citrus, and refreshing. However, it’s still a fire hose. And, as much as I’ve enjoyed myself the last three months, it hit me today that I have not slowed down…

  • I Am Open to Receiving the Gifts of the Universe

    I Am Open to Receiving the Gifts of the Universe

    Are you someone who loves to give? Do you take care of everyone else and set aside your own needs? Do you keep your troubles to yourself so that you don’t burden others? Some of us are really good at giving. We are there at a moment’s notice for a friend. We always offer to…

  • In a pickle.

    Oh to be caught in a pickle.  It’s rarely exciting, unless you’re playing baseball in the 1960’s and your life is some version of the movie Sandlot. No real life pickles (and not the dill kind) are usually much more challenging. You’re stuck in a difficult situation, deciding between two choices. Maybe you’re deciding over…

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