Tag: beliefs

  • Familial Beliefs

    Familial Beliefs

    A couple of years ago, one of my sisters was complaining about her job situation.  She had been doing temporary projects for a firm in town.  They would place her on a job for a few months and then when the job completed, she’d need to find another one.  She had an opportunity for a…

  • The Stories We Tell Ourselves. What Do We Know To Be True?

    I’ve been having an issue with time lately. I’ve felt like I haven’t had enough time. Each week goes by and I wonder why I didn’t get more done. I wonder where all the time has gone. I stop and look back at my week wondering what I did. It’s not as if I did…

  • A Dozen Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job

    Are you miserable in your job? Here are a dozen signs that it’s time to quit and move on: Your job is all consuming. Do you eat, drink, and sleep work? Are you working morning ‘til night? Do you come home from work trips and collapse on the couch, never calling friends or making plans…

  • Use Your Words

    When I was in my twenties, I wasn’t very good at using my words or asking for what I wanted. I often went along with what everyone else was doing, saying “fine by me,” when it often wasn’t “fine”. I was very agreeable. I dated a man off and on for years during this time…

  • Wishing

    Within two blocks of where I live, there is a wishing tree.  It’s a beautiful tree filled with tags that have been filled out with passerby’s wishes.  Some are innocent and sweet.  Some are pleading and desperate.  Most are heart-felt and honest. I love that strangers have stumbled upon this tree and taken the opportunity…

  • Noticing Resistance

    Have you ever had a task in front of you that you need to tackle but all you want to do is anything but that task? I have an assignment from a coach I’m working with. Every week that I have to tackle one of these assignments, I delay doing it. Once I finally sit…

  • Accepting What Is

    This can be the worst place to be sometimes. Because accepting what is, means that it’s not how you want it to be or how you thought it should be. How things “should” be is a whole other issue & living your life based on “shoulds” isn’t authentic to you or your values. Accepting what…

  • Ready To Take Action

    Is there an area of your life where you’ve wanted forward movement but you find that things are just not progressing as you’d like?  Things seem to be dragging along with no clear idea of how to make it better?   Are you stuck in analysis paralysis?  Are you ready for change?  Are you ready to…

  • It Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

    This week I surrendered an issue I had been dealing with for over the last three weeks.  To a few, it might look like I gave up.  To those that saw my struggle, I gave it all I got until it just wasn’t worth it to continue. I don’t know if it even matters the…

  • Life’s Hurdles

    When I was in high school, I had a friend who ran the hurdles. She was a year older, a few inches taller than me and with very long lean legs. Watching her run the hurdles was a beautiful sight. I probably only watched her once but it stuck with me. She raced down the…

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