Tag: self-love

  • Three Steps To Create A Sense Of Accomplishment

    Yesterday I was feeling grumpy.  My energy had been scattered.  My head was spinning from one task or activity to another one.  I wasn’t feeling a sense of accomplishment.  My mood was sour and feeling that my day wasn’t productive was adding to the negative mood.  I had a lot to get done and was…

  • Three Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves

    Three Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves

    Three Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves  This weekend I was in Seattle at the Hay House, I Can Do It Conference.  This was my first time attending one of their events.  The conference brought together 30 Hay House authors and speakers to share their wisdom and insight.  Attending this conference was an opportunity for me…

  • Permission

    When I was little, like most young children, I had to ask permission to do most things. Could I go to a friend’s house? Could I take a class? Permission was required from my parents because I wasn’t an adult. I wasn’t capable of doing these things on my own. I most likely needed their…

  • I Heart Boundaries.

    Boundaries are an amazing and powerful tool. Boundaries help you clarify what is important in your life. They tell the world and yourself that your needs are important. When I was younger I had no concept of a boundary or what that even meant. I worked when I was asked to work. I skipped workouts…

  • Giving Yourself the Gift of Self-Care

    Last week I started to get a migraine.  I get them occasionally but they rarely last more than a day.  This one continued for three days before finally letting go.  Once the migraine released I realized why it had lasted so long.  I had a sinus infection and my migraine had turned into a full…

  • Being Kind to Yourself Is Scientifically Proven to Improve Your Life

    Being Kind to Yourself Is Scientifically Proven to Improve Your Life

    Be kind to yourself. You’ve heard this message before. Perhaps you’re fairly positive and kind to yourself. Good job! Maybe you struggle with this notion and beat yourself up for simple mistakes. Maybe you don’t consider how muttering “idiot” under your breath could be bad and unkind. All of us have good and bad days…

  • Finding Space for Self-Love

    Most of us feel pretty busy.  Some days and weeks are busier than others.  Some weeks you have very little going on.  Maybe those weeks are uncomfortable.  You’ve gotten used to the busyness of the previous weeks. How can you find more space for stillness?  For wellness?  For creativity and activities that feed your soul? …

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