Tag: Awareness

  • Releasing Old Beliefs

    Releasing Old Beliefs

    The other night I had a dream. In this dream I felt like I was reliving a past life set in the 1880’s. I felt very young, maybe 15. I was in my parent’s home. It was simple, a one-room log cabin. My mother was at the stove cooking dinner. A man was sitting at…

  • The Beingness of Loss

    The Beingness of Loss

    My love’s heart is broken. Last night, I watched, as he said goodbye to his kids as they prepare to depart for Germany. They live there permanently with their mother and will return on Wednesday. We dropped them off last night to her at her parents’ house, where she’s been staying during their visit. As…

  • Sea Fever

    Missing the ocean energy today… Sea Fever By John Masefield I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a…

  • Pause


    What could you do for a friend today? For a stranger? For your postman? Could you just listen? Could you hold them in their sorrow? Could you look into their eyes with warmth and compassion? This small act of service to another takes only a moment but the impact is profound. How can you be…

  • Put Yourself in a Time Out

    Put Yourself in a Time Out

    I have been drinking from the fire hose for the last three months. A delicious fire hose. Something akin to a mojito – slightly sweet, citrus, and refreshing. However, it’s still a fire hose. And, as much as I’ve enjoyed myself the last three months, it hit me today that I have not slowed down…

  • No More Whammies

    No More Whammies

    First, I have to apologize for the long lapse in posts. Life has gotten very busy lately and as much as I dislike it, this has taken a back seat. I hope to get back on track and share more on a regular basis. Now onto the blog post… As a kid I remember when…

  • I Am Open to Receiving the Gifts of the Universe

    I Am Open to Receiving the Gifts of the Universe

    Are you someone who loves to give? Do you take care of everyone else and set aside your own needs? Do you keep your troubles to yourself so that you don’t burden others? Some of us are really good at giving. We are there at a moment’s notice for a friend. We always offer to…

  • What Feeds You?

    What Feeds You?

    I’ve been thinking a lot about what feeds me. I don’t mean actual food, although that can feed me too. I’m referring to what feeds my soul. I’ve put a lot of my favorite things on the back burner lately due to other priorities. My painting class and writing has taken a backseat. I haven’t…

  • In a pickle.

    Oh to be caught in a pickle.  It’s rarely exciting, unless you’re playing baseball in the 1960’s and your life is some version of the movie Sandlot. No real life pickles (and not the dill kind) are usually much more challenging. You’re stuck in a difficult situation, deciding between two choices. Maybe you’re deciding over…

  • Kindness

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