Category: Habits
Three Steps To Create A Sense Of Accomplishment
Yesterday I was feeling grumpy. My energy had been scattered. My head was spinning from one task or activity to another one. I wasn’t feeling a sense of accomplishment. My mood was sour and feeling that my day wasn’t productive was adding to the negative mood. I had a lot to get done and was…
Can You Find Balance in Relentlessness?
Relentless. This word has been in my mind over the last few weeks. I’ve experienced relentless behavior by others, remembered it within my father, and recognized it in myself. There are pros and cons to being relentless. Merriam-Webster defines relentless as: “showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace”. Ouch. That sounds…
It’s Not Okay
I’m sorry. It’s okay. No it’s not. A few weeks ago, I found myself participating in this short conversation. I’d say, “I’m sorry”. The person I said it to would say, “It’s okay” and I’d respond, “No it’s not”. In each situation the person I was saying, I’m sorry to wasn’t someone I’d hurt. It…
Noticing Resistance
Have you ever had a task in front of you that you need to tackle but all you want to do is anything but that task? I have an assignment from a coach I’m working with. Every week that I have to tackle one of these assignments, I delay doing it. Once I finally sit…
Ready To Take Action
Is there an area of your life where you’ve wanted forward movement but you find that things are just not progressing as you’d like? Things seem to be dragging along with no clear idea of how to make it better? Are you stuck in analysis paralysis? Are you ready for change? Are you ready to…
Practicing Gratitude
It’s that time of year again. The time of year when everyone talks about gratitude – Thanksgiving. It’s become very popular to talk about gratitude. It’s an important practice to incorporate into your life every day and not just on Thanksgiving. Perhaps this Thanksgiving can provide a jumping off point for you to begin a…
Moving Past the Fear.
I posted on my Facebook page a link to today’s Daily Buddha post, “Love Your Work”. We’ve all heard this message so much and I think we all truly want to follow this advice. I believe in this advice. For many people though, loving your work & following your bliss, may require a leap of…
Active Participant in Life
Last week I talked about my mom and how she’s avoided dealing with things in her life and the consequences of those actions. I’ve watched and learned from her experiences. Of course I’ve also avoided issues in my own life. At various times throughout my life I’ve avoided everything from having a relationship to my…