Tag: Christmas
Who’s In?
If you want different results, do things differently.
Season of Light
This time of year, during the dark days, it’s hard to remember to be light. We have long to-do lists and obligations that can weigh us down. But if we look around, we have reminders everywhere to be the light for ourselves and others. You see the flames of the menorah, the lights on a …
Light Your Light
It’s almost the end of January, but in my neighborhood a lot of people still have their holiday decorations up. I’ve seen homes with wreathes on their doors and swags still wrapped around front porch railings. There are lights hanging from roofs and paper snowflakes taped to windows. At my own home, I’ve refused to…
Happy New Year!
I look forward to every New Year. Not for the party on December 31st, which rarely is as exciting as they make it in the movies, and in my experience is often the exact opposite of the movies. I look forward to January 1st. It feels clean and new. It’s a new notebook, a fresh…
Hustle & Bustle
I, like many people right now, am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I’ve got long lists of to do and seem to just keep making new to do lists, followed by consolidating these lists into larger lists. Somehow it seems like nothing is getting done and the lists are growing.…