Month: September 2014

  • Letting Go

    “Can we still be friends?”  This is a phrase I’m sure most of us have heard at one time in our life.  It’s most often heard at the end of a romantic relationship, typically by the dumper and not the dumpee.  Sometimes it’s a question. Other times it’s a negotiation point, “but we can still…

  • Active Participant in Life

    Active Participant in Life

    Last week I talked about my mom and how she’s avoided dealing with things in her life and the consequences of those actions. I’ve watched and learned from her experiences. Of course I’ve also avoided issues in my own life. At various times throughout my life I’ve avoided everything from having a relationship to my…

  • Avoidance & Learning

    Avoidance & Learning

    I am witnessing the demise of my mother. My mother is 84 years old and in moderate health. She is slightly overweight, 30 pounds or so, with high blood pressure. Her mind is fairly sharp though, especially considering her age. She enjoys reading and traveling and doesn’t appear as old as her age suggests. Yet,…

  • An Orchard Full of Lemons

    An Orchard Full of Lemons

    I have received an orchard full of lemons this year. It’s really been one thing after another. As I was thinking through everything that’s happened, I realized most of it isn’t directly happening to me. It’s felt like it was happening to me because I’ve had to step in and help my family. Things have…

  • The Most Loving Thing You Can Do

    The Most Loving Thing You Can Do

    “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” said Albert Einstein. Have you seen that quote? I’m sure you have, as it’s very popular. I’ve seen it a million times and have always loved it. I felt empowered and energized by it. It has inspired me to try to do…

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