It’s gray and misting rain today in Seattle. I’m thankful for this mild weather compared to Hurricane Sandy and the beating the east coast received.
When I was very little, around six, I used to love this gray misty weather. I would run outside and say, “it’s sparkling!” Perhaps it was a misunderstanding of the word “sprinkling” or maybe I saw something that others didn’t see. Through my young eyes, maybe it looked like it was sparkling outside. I hadn’t been in the Pacific Northwest for long at that point, only having just moved from Southern California the year prior. Seeing gray misting rain was unusual.
I wonder what we could approach today with childlike innocence. Even those on the east coast who are facing major challenges today, I wonder if there’s a new way to approach things from a simpler perspective or more playful. Perhaps those of us not faced with hurricane level challenges can breathe a sigh of gratitude and approach today from a place of innocence. Perhaps we don’t know it all and there is more to learn. Perhaps we can approach the day wide-open to a new way of seeing things.
As for me, I’m going outside to stand in the sparkles.

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